
When it comes to some of the most authentic New Mexican food around these parts, you’ll find few who disagree El Parasol is among the best. With six locations in Santa Fe, Los Alamos, Española and Pojoaque, it’s frequently found in SFR’s annual Best of Santa Fe issue, voted so by none other than you.
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#65 Best Casual Restaurants in America

Best Tacos

#23 in the nation for Shredded Beef Tacos

Best of Santa Fe 2017

1st place Best Breakfast Burrito
1st place Best Tacos

Travel and Leisure

El Parasol is a counter-only joint with no tables and no nothing, but the soft-shredded chicken taco is excellent and the crisp, intense chicharron in the burrito—well, let me just say that if you have one pork-rind-and-bean burrito in your lifetime, let this be the one.

GQ Magazine

At lunch fill a brown paper bag with buttery soft shredded chicken burritos featuring green chile from local fast food chain El Parasol. Yes you read that right. It’s the best burrito in the state.